

Sharing to educate and inspire

The path I have recently chosen is all about sharing my wildlife passion, knowledge and art (illustrations and photographs). I hope that by sharing in this way I can inspire and educate others to connect more deeply with the natural world. It is only through a deep connection with nature – through inspiration, understanding and love – that we can live in right relationship with the human and other-than-human world around us. Now, more than ever before, this seems to be urgent and essential.


I was drawing in my birdwatching notebooks as a teenager but only recently rediscovered the joy of creating when I started illustrating animal tracks for Wildniswind in 2020. Since then, I have been drawing most days, crafting accurate tracks of birds and mammals. My animal portraits help to keep that strong connection between the tracks and their makers. These drawings have been used to illustrate two books on animal tracks, and my mammal track drawings are being used by WWF Sweden, RSPB and others. I’m keen to see them used widely to spread the art, science and joy of tracking. Please get in touch if you would like to collaborate on anything that needs track drawings, or if a particular drawing catches your attention.    

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During my conservation career with BirdLife International I authored and co-authored many books, papers and articles, some of which are listed here. This culture of sharing knowledge is deeply rooted in me and has driven me to carry on writing, now with a focus on wildlife, tracks and tracking. Built around my illustrations I have now written books on Bird Tracks (with John Rhyder) and Mammal Tracks of Europe. Papers and articles associated with these books are in the pipeline. If you would like to collaborate with me on a writing project, please do get in touch.

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I wander in nature, and take photos of the amazing, beautiful beings that reveal themselves to me. Birds – unsurprisingly, considering my childhood passion – feature strongly, but in no means exclusively. Photographs have the ability to communicate so much about the spirit, beauty and lives of the other-than-human creatures around us, and I hope that my photos convey some of this. I share the photos that capture my imagination on Instagram, and many of my photos also adorn the course materials and social media output of Wildniswind. Sharing these images in the hope that they inspire others is a joy. My photos are for sale, so please get in touch if anything in my gallery interests you.

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